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Meet Our Pastor


Reverend J.B. Proctor-Mills

A native of Seattle, Washington, Jim Bennett Proctor-Mills was born on February 8, 1992, to the union of Angela and Tay Proctor-Mills


He is an alumnus of Stadium High School in Tacoma, Washington, and currently attends Newburg Theological Seminary, where he is pursuing a Bachelor's Degree in Theology.


J.B. grew up in the Church of God Evangelistic Center under the leadership of Pastor Claudell Warren, where he served as an Usher, Pianist, Youth Choir Director, and Praise &Worship Leader. He also served as Minister of Music at the Resurrection Missionary Baptist Church under Rev. Anthony R. Newell, Sr.


In 2012, he was led to the Church By the Side of the Road. While serving as the Minister of Music, he accepted the Call to Preach. In June of 2015, J.B. preached his trial sermon and was licensed under his Pastor and uncle, Rev. Terrence Proctor. He has many pastoral influences, including the men listed above as well as Bishop G.E. Patterson, Dr. C.A.W. Clark, Dr. Gardner C. Taylor, Dr. Ralph D. West & Bishop Timothy J Clark.


In September 2015, J.B. married his beautiful bride Jeanea Stroud. Together they have one son, Jim Bennett Proctor-Mills Jr. (J.J.), as well as several Godchildren to keep him busy.


He is also the organizer and director of Higher Vision Music Ministries. Together, the ministry travels the Pacific Northwest spreading the gospel through song.


He has had the opportunity to travel all over Washington, California, Las Vegas, Paris, France,

and Brazil. He has received awards such as Band Director's Award, and several Tacoma Public School

District awards; Archdiocese of Seattle Award for Leadership in Community Building and Service, and

Seattle's Choir Director of the Year.


Through years of preparation and during a time of needed spiritual guidance for the community

God called for Minister J.B. to embark upon his own ministry under the unction of the Holy Spirit with such a great calling to fulfill, he continues to find time to visit the sick, make calls to members, conduct bible study, and spend time studying God's Word. His ultimate desire is to see people fully embrace God's love and to walk in victory and power while experiencing the fullness of God's promises.


Minister J.B. strives to live by the hymn of the church:


A charge to keep I have,

A God to glorify,

A never-dying soul to save,

And fit it for the sky.

To serve the present age,

My calling to fulfill:

Oh, may it all my pow 'rs engage

To do my master's will 

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